Big data is changing the rules in Silicon Valley and other tech hubs around the world. A number of brands have discovered that big data gives them the chance to not only gain a competitive edge in their own industries, but deliver new standards that have transformed the tech industry as a whole.
The digital era is disrupting many technology industries. Innovation and new technology continues to reshape how companies do business, both B2C and B2B. From machinery to clean energy, every industry is seeing value in the innovation that can assist in gaining a competitive edge. As the global business landscape shrinks, having a defined competitive edge with big data and AI is critical.
What has been the catalyst for the disruption of technical industries? It is largely due to a change in consumer behavior and the demand retailers and manufacturers need to meet due to that shift, largely due to big data. Increased competitiveness is another factor that sets the stage for unprecedented innovation.
So what companies are meeting the technical industry demand with new advances in big data? The following five big data disruptors are doing it right in their own unique ways. Let’s dive in!
1. Clean Energy Solutions
Clean Energy Solutions serves up solar energy solutions for big businesses, nonprofits, governments, and more. Their disruption of technical industries is much needed, due to the environmental sustainability they provide via their solar energy solutions. For instance, the rise in cannabis growing facilities in North America can be nearly entirely dependent on solar energy.
These hallmarks of disruption paint a clear picture of how Clean Energy Solutions is redefining one of the largest technical industries to date. Clean Energy Solutions is also one of the largest in their industry with over 30,000 installations under their solar belt, as well as billions of dollars in funding. The best part about this industry disruptor is that they aim to bring solar energy to the masses.
They have made this impact with big data and new advances in AI. They have used machine learning to carve an edge in this increasingly competitive field.
2. Machinery Network
MachineryNetwork.com uses big data to connect companies with used machinery. They are disrupting technical industries by offering up affordable, used machinery equipment in the space of plastic, metalworking, CNC, fabrication, and much more. What this does is change the face of how companies can purchase machinery equipment when buying new is simply not an option.
The hallmark for this technical industry disruptor is the ability to serve up machinery to businesses that rely heavily on efficiency and productivity for that much needed competitive edge. It is also a wide reaching disruption, since every manufacturing dollar spent equates to $1.89 addition to the U.S. economy, according to the National Association of Manufacturers.
Machinery Network has auction, buy it now, financing, appraisals, tech support, warranties, and the list goes on. The company is also industry leaders in association with Machinery Deals National Association (MDNA) and the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers (AMEA).
Data mining technology has made it easier for them to handle all of these functions. They are continually making new advances in big data to identify problems with previous machinery and invest in higher quality ones.
3. A. Prentice Ray
A. Prentice Ray & Associates (APRA) is a government industry disruptor serving up some serious tech. There contracts include the United States Air Force, Department of State, and Department of Defense. How are A. Prentice Ray solutions making waves in technical industries? By being very innovative and technologically ahead of the game.
This technical industry disruptor is providing solutions that cover IT, acquisition support, cyber security, project management, staff augmentation, and more for government agencies. This allows agencies to grow and increase efficiency in already existing processes, as well as create new processes.
4. goTRG
goTRG is a company that uses SaaS to provide multi-channel sales and support services. They have created a number of ecommerce solutions. Their ecommerce and multi-channel sales have made a tremendous difference. They are truly a disruptor in and out of their industry.
How does it work? By using innovative technology, like R1 Cloud and 9040™ AI disposition decision engine, retailers and manufacturers in any industry can get a higher recovery on returns while streamlining supply chain processes. They aim to make the greatest economic and environmentally responsible impact for their clients, buyers, industry, team, and world.
Multi-channel sales strategies are highly dependent on big data. This company has aggregated data from countless devices across the IoT to fulfill their promise to customers.
5. Edge Logistics
Edge Logistics is a logistics company that serves up freight broker services with technical proprietary support, This allows their clients to maximize efficiency and productivity, as well as boosting bottom line logistics and transportation profits. The best part is that this technical industry disruptor can provide customizable solutions.
Once company needs are identified, Edge Logistics can customize a logistics solution that can streamline processes internally with key features like operation audits, evaluations on effective processes, distribution program development, and a lot more.
Big Data is the Biggest Disruptor in Silicon Valley
There is certainly no shortage of disruptive companies using big data to change the way technical industries are doing business. The above five big data disruptors are among the most impressive as we move our way through 2019. With innovation comes responsibility to be forward-thinking, and the need for more disruptors across all industries may be paramount to growth and achieving competitive advantages.
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