Using a $1 billion investment to build a new college for artificial intelligence

Awesome, not awesome.
“A.I. presents the challenge of reckoning with our skewed histories, while working to counterbalance our biases, and genuinely recognizing ourselves in each other. This is an opportunity to expand — rather than further homogenize — what it means to be human through and alongside A.I. technologies. This implies changes in many systems: education, government, labor, and protest, to name a few. All are opportunities if we, the people, demand them and our leaders are brave enough to take them on.” — Stephanie Dinkins, Artist & associate professor of art Learn More from The New York Times >
#Not Awesome
“An autonomous missile under development by the Pentagon uses software to choose between targets. An artificially intelligent drone from the British military identifies firing points on its own. Russia showcases tanks that don’t need soldiers inside for combat. A.I. technology has for years led military leaders to ponder a future of warfare that needs little human involvement. But as capabilities have advanced, the idea of autonomous weapons reaching the battlefield is becoming less hypothetical…defense contractors, identifying a new source of revenue, are eager to build the next-generation machinery.” — Adam Satariano, Tech Correspondent Learn More from The New York Times >
What we’re reading.
1/ MIT takes a huge step to the advancement of artificial intelligence, using a $1 billion investment to teach bilinguals of the future — people who are highly skilled both in their field of expertise and in machine learning. Learn More from The New York Times >
2/ Expect to hear the term “Data minimalism,” used more often — it’s used to describe a problem that doesn’t spit off enough data for it to be solved with machine learning techniques. Learn More from Axios >
3/ Algorithms aren’t developed in a vacuum free of bias, they’re developed in the real world by real people — expect the bias to be built into them. Learn More from Quartz >
4/ Many of the world’s top artists use AI tools to reimagine landscapes and design new, more “interactive visual experiences.” Learn More from The New York Times >
5/ Large tech companies must be expected to work closely with civil rights group and researchers to ensure that their algorithms don’t violate human rights. Learn More from MIT Technology Review >
6/ Journal raised a $1.5 million seed round, using start of the art machine learning to help people do more with their information and combat information overload. Learn More from TechCrunch >
7/ Chatbots are starting to replace *part* of the role doctors play — like providing initial diagnoses and prescribing medicine — but they won’t help people cope with the treatments that are handed out. Learn More from MIT Technology Review >
Links from the community.
“At Google, we’ve been getting a better understanding of issues of bias & fairness in machine learning models” submitted by Samiur Rahman (@samiur1204). Learn More from Twitter >
“Researchers call for more humanity in artificial intelligence” submitted by Avi Eisenberger (@aeisenberger) . Learn More from WIRED >
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