Cloud based storage has truly revolutionized the way business is done today. No longer do you have to take your portable hard drive or thumb drive everywhere you go. From Dropbox to Google Drive, the cloud-based solutions available today can help you store data online, while giving you the ability to access this information at any time, and from any device that has an internet connection.
While this level of convenience may seem tempting, when you upload your sensitive data to any cloud provider (even reputable ones) a few security concerns are going to arise. One of the biggest is the fact that there’s no way to know for sure who may be accessing this information.
If you are interested in using cloud backup solutions for small business, but want to ensure your data is secure, then you need to use the tips and information found here.
Be Sure to Backup All Data Locally
The number one rule in managing your data is to make sure that you always (no matter what) have it backed up. It’s smart to create several electronic copies of all your data so that you have the ability to access it even if the original copy has been corrupted, it is lost, or even stolen.
There are more than a few cloud storage options for you to choose from today. This means that you can easily set up various cloud accounts to help backup your information and data.
If you have made the decision to put your sensitive data in the cloud, then you also need to manually back it up by using an external storage device or drive. This includes things such as a thumb drive or a hard disk. When you have this back up device, you can even get to the data and information you need if you have a weak or non-existent internet connection.
Try to Avoid Storing Any of Your Sensitive Data or Information on the Cloud
When it comes to the internet, there’s not really any type of real privacy. As a result, you may want to think twice if you are considering putting your sensitive data on the cloud. While this may sound like a bit of paranoia, the fact is, cases of identity and data theft are continually increasing. It’s really not worth the risk.
The best thing you can do is only use cloud storage for the files that you or your team is going to have to access on a regular basis. Also, avoid putting any document that contains your passwords, account numbers, or other sensitive information online, in the cloud. If you have no choice but to include this type of information in your online files, then you should make sure that you encrypt the information prior to uploading it.
Use a Cloud Service that Will Encrypt Your Information and Data
If you are dedicated to safeguarding your privacy when you use cloud storage, then you should try to find one that provides local encryption of the information. This offers you an extra layer of protection. After all, to access the information, decryption is necessary.
There is no question that the cloud offers a wide array of benefits and it’s an affordable data storage solution. However, before you dive in and begin using this storage option for your personal or sensitive data, you need to consider how you can secure it. The tips and information here offer you a great starting point, but you can’t stop there. Be sure to keep this in mind as you move forward using cloud storage solutions.
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