Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed PaaS service that helps you run real-time analytics and complex event processing logic on telemetry from devices and applications. Numerous built-in functions available in Stream Analytics helps users build real-time applications using simple SQL language with utmost ease. By using these capabilities customers can quickly realize powerful applications […]
Archives for 2019
Updates to geospatial functions in Azure Stream Analytics – Cloud and IoT edge
Azure Stream Analytics is a fully managed PaaS service that helps you run real-time analytics and complex event processing logic on telemetry from devices and applications. Numerous built-in functions available in Stream Analytics helps users build real-time applications using simple SQL language with utmost ease. By using these capabilities customers can quickly realize powerful applications […]
GPS Week Number Rollover – Microsoft has you covered!
In the late 1990s, the time and date features of computer systems became a topic of high interest for every business, as programmers realized that a simple abbreviation of four digit years to only the last two digits had a fatal flaw – the rollover to the year 2000. But early preparation and remediation ensured […]
Three ways communication service providers could ignite the IoT
There is tremendous hype about the Internet of Things (IoT), how explosively it will grow and what a tremendous opportunity it represents for communications service providers (CSPs). But potential is a dangerous thing until it’s realised, says Ed Finegold, strategy director, Netcracker and the fact is that few service providers are yet reaping substantial revenue growth from […]
Alerts in Azure are now all the more consistent!
Azure Monitor alerts provides rich alerting capabilities on a variety of telemetry such as metrics, logs, and activity logs. Over the past year, we have unified the alerting experience by providing a common consumption experience including UX and API for alerts. However, the payload format for alerts remained different which puts the burden of building […]
Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 2: Cluster health and availability
This is the second blog post in a four-part series on Monitoring on Azure HDInsight. “Monitoring on Azure HDInsight Part 1: An Overview” discusses the three main monitoring categories: cluster health and availability, resource utilization and performance, and job status and logs. This blog covers the first of those topics, cluster health and availability, in […]
The future of manufacturing is open
With the expansion of IoT across all industries data is becoming the currency of innovation. Organizations have both an opportunity and a business imperative to adopt technologies quickly, build digital competencies, and offer new value-added services that will serve their broader ecosystem. Manufacturing is an industry where IoT is having a transformational impact, yet which […]
Radicalized by an algorithm
Awesome, not awesome.#Awesome“Premature birth and its complications are the leading cause of death in infants. In the US, roughly one in 10 babies is born prematurely, or before 37 weeks, far higher than most other developed countries, and the rate is ticking upward…In Kentucky, Passport Health, a nonprofit Medicaid insurer, is testing an unlikely hypothesis: […]
Understanding The Nuances of Instagram Data Transparency Policies
Big data has improved transparency of social media sites. You can now download your personal data from them, which allows you to see what records are retained. Data on your photos, videos, comments, profile details and connections can be stored. Although users can get access to their data, there are still some things that social […]
PTC Improves Workforce Efficiency with Launch of Vuforia Expert Capture AR Solution
Providing a Faster, More Efficient Way to Empower Front-Line Workers. PTC today announced from HANNOVER MESSE the release of its Vuforia® Expert Capture™ augmented reality (AR) solution, which is designed to improve workforce productivity, quality, safety, and compliance. Vuforia Expert Capture provides industrial enterprises with a faster, more efficient way to empower front-line workers with […]