You need funds to keep your business going. When you are new to starting your small business, the common problem that you will face is the probability of coming shortly in finances. Of course, the sales are not already reaching the peak level and you are still in the process of gaining traction. As a […]
Archives for 2019
How to stay on top of Azure best practices
Optimizing your cloud workloads can seem like a complex and daunting task. We created Azure Advisor, a personalized guide to Azure best practices, to make it easier to get the most out of Azure. Azure Advisor helps you optimize your Azure resources for high availability, security, performance, and cost by providing free, personalized recommendations based […]
An interview with Gary Hilton, Chief Technical Integration Lead, Boeing
In the build up to Internet of Manufacturing UK, taking place on the 14-15 May 2019 at Farnborough International Conference Centre, our team caught up with Gary Hilton, the Chief Technical Integration Lead at Boeing, to discuss the impact of Industry 4.0 on the manufacturing sector. Which key technologies that you believe will transform industry […]
Microsoft at SAP Sapphire NOW 2019: A trusted path to cloud innovation
In a few weeks, over 22,000 people from around the globe will converge in Orlando, Florida from May 7-9, 2019 for the SAP Sapphire NOW and ASUG Annual Conference. Each year, the event brings together thought leaders across industries to find innovative ways to solve common challenges, unlock new opportunities, and take advantage of emerging […]
Asian manufacturing and logistics sectors power ahead with IoT adoption
New report reveals the readiness of Asian manufacturers and supply chain enterprises in the adoption of innovation in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) and how businesses plan to solve market-specific challenges. Key findings: Key Asian markets have moved on from a “R&D in US or Europe, make in Asia” mentality as indigenous innovation is […]
Big Data Should be a Priority in Every College Curriculum
As technology progresses, more companies are producing huge amounts of data as a by-product of their day-to-day operations. While I’m not one to claim that “most businesses are practically drowning” in a sea of data, it’s fair to say that companies wanting a long future had better start taking Big Data seriously. To put this […]
What Cyber Criminals Can Do With Your Metadata
We have read many articles and watched the news about hackers breaking into websites of unsuspecting corporations and small businesses more and more often. When that happens, tens of thousands of people are put at risk for identity theft when their metadata is stolen. What is metadata and how is it used? That is what this […]
Cellular IoT ear tag tracks health and location of farmed reindeer and other herding animals
Developed by Finnish startup, Anicare, the Anicare Healtag tracker is attached to an animal’s earflap and can autonomously measure different vital functions for up to five years. Data is sent via cellular direct to the Cloud for immediate access via a smartphone app so that injured or ill animals in the wild can be automatically […]
Amid ‘Ban PewDiePie’ Petition, YouTube Star Moves to Blockchain-Based Streaming Platform, DLive
Felix ‘PewDiePie’ Kjellberg (Pronounced: ‘PuDeePi’), who hosts the most subscribed channel on Youtube in the world since 2013 will stream live weekly on Blockchain based streaming platform, DLive from April 14, 2019. <![CDATA[ ]]> Felix signed an exclusive deal with DLive, he said in the press release: “I’m excited to start live-streaming again regularly,” said PewDiePie. […]
iGaming Providers Turn To New Data Technology For Payment Solutions
Over the last seven years, the iGaming industry has come a very long way. In 2019, it has become one of the largest industries in the world. It is comprised of several different online gambling sectors like the online casino sites that accept PayPal, live sports betting, and poker. Big data is going to have […]