Bio Lenny Jaramillo is Lead Architect, Northern Trust. About the conference Pivotal Training offers a series of hands-on, technical courses prior to SpringOne Platform. Classes are scheduled two full days before the conference and provide you and your team an opportunity to receive in-depth, lab-based training across some of the latest Pivotal technologies.
What’s the difference between a blockchain and a database?
Share this post: If you are familiar with cryptocurrency, then you are probably familiar with blockchain. Blockchain is the underlying technology ensuring transactions are accurate, transparent and immutable. Why is this technology important? When you’re working across a large number of individual stakeholders, there’s always the fundamental presence of inconsistency. Even if you completely trust […]
Three New Year’s resolutions in 2019 for your blockchain success
Share this post: About a year ago, I wrote a blog post on my New Year’s resolutions for 2018 blockchain success. They were lead with business, understand the network type, understand the path to productive use, know why you are choosing blockchain, and make sure your architecture is ready. I tried to stick to these […]
Smart Data: The Secret Weapon Underpinning the Cloud
By applying the insights of smart data, businesses can add strategic value from the cloud, while also gaining the flexibility, agility, and scalability needed to remain competitive. The enterprise migration to the cloud continues to push forward, with organizations adopting either a multi-cloud approach, using a variety of different cloud providers, or a hybrid cloud […]
7 Enterprise Infrastructure Predictions for 2019
It is no secret that enterprise infrastructures are undergoing major changes. Growing use of public cloud, SaaS, and SD-WAN in 2019 will play a significant role in the way infrastructures evolve. 2018 has seen the acceleration of modern infrastructure from public cloud, SaaS, hybrid, and SD-WAN. 2019 will see enterprises feeling the impact of this […]
Concerned About Cloud Security? This ‘Just Right’ Solution Might be the Answer for You
As the cloud has become a ubiquitous part of business life over the last few years, there are still lingering concerns and misconceptions around cloud security. Thanks to ever-diligent media coverage surrounding the technology sector, everyone seems to understand that cloud technology is ever increasing in importance. However, while we know it will shape the […]
The Business Insights Hidden in Your Cloud Apps
Organizations that proactively monitor cloud applications gain critical insights into security, usage, performance, and compliance. The cloud business is booming. Organizations want to take advantage of the cost savings, increased efficiencies, and greater productivity. In the process, they take on a hoard of additional data due to increased user activity. This introduces a whole slew of […]
The rise of servitisation for manufacturers
Engineering giant Rolls Royce pioneered servitisation in 1962 with its Power-by-the-Hour approach to jet engine maintenance management. The service, which allows operators to purchase the power used rather than a complete engine, celebrated its 55th year in 2017 and has proven extremely popular in the aerospace market. Here, Nick Boughton, digital lead at systems integrator Boulting Technology, discusses what servitisation can […]
Moving to IaaS: Big Changes Required
Develop a well-thought-out approach to the migration and make sure your management and operations teams understand the potential opportunities and challenges. There are some huge opportunities for improvements in moving enterprise services to the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) cloud, but there are some equally daunting challenges — both technical and operational. Demand for public cloud infrastructure, or […]
AI-based IoT solutions extend predictive maintenance across entire production line
Historically, the use of condition monitoring solutions for predictive maintenance has been restricted to high-value, mission-critical equipment, leaving an average of 85% of a production facility’s equipment vulnerable to costly unexpected downtime and repairs. The problem with today’s solutions, says Brad M. Hopkins, director of Condition Monitoring Product Management with HID Global, is that they either are not aligned […]