We’re excited to announce a new asynchronous Java SDK for Cosmos DB’s SQL API open sourced on GitHub. This SDK leverages the popular RxJava library to add a new async API surface area for composing event-based programs with observable sequences. It also features an improved user experience and is also lighter weight than our previous […]
Private Offers on Azure Marketplace
At Build 2018, we announced the public preview of Private Offers on Azure Marketplace for single virtual machine offers, enabling publishers to create SKUs that are only visible to targeted customers. Azure Marketplace publishers are now able to create these private offers via the Cloud Partner Portal. Scenarios Private offers unlock the ability for publishers […]
4 new features now available in Azure Stream Analytics
Azure Stream Analytics is a serverless PaaS service in Azure to run real-time analytics on fast moving streams of data. Today, we are excited to announce several new features in Azure Stream Analytics. In public preview Session window Native support for windowing functions is a key capability in Azure Stream Analytics that helps developers author […]
OpenShift on Azure: The easiest, fully managed OpenShift in the cloud
Today at Red Hat Summit 2018 in San Francisco, Microsoft and Red Hat will jointly demonstrate our OpenShift on Azure offering, the first fully managed and easiest to use version of OpenShift in the cloud. Since last year’s announcement about OpenShift Dedicated on Azure, based on customer feedback, Microsoft and Red Hat have created an […]
Azure Service Fabric at Microsoft Build 2018
Two years ago at //Build 2016, we made Service Fabric generally available and since then, we’ve seen tremendous growth with enterprise customers across a broad range of industries taking advantage of Service Fabric’s extensive capabilities to lift/shift and modernize, build business critical SaaS, transform gaming apps, write secure financial platforms and create scalable IoT solutions […]
Announcing Cognitive Search: Azure Search + cognitive capabilities
Today we are announcing Cognitive Search, an AI-first approach to content understanding. Cognitive Search is powered by Azure Search with built-in Cognitive Services. It pulls data from a variety of Azure data sources and applies a set of composable cognitive skills which extract knowledge. This knowledge is then organized and stored in a search index […]
Monitoring Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) with Azure Monitor container health (preview)
Monitoring the health and performance of your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster is important to ensure that your applications are up and running as expected. If you run applications on other Azure infrastructure, such as Virtual Machines, you have come to rely on Azure Monitor to provide near real-time, granular monitoring data. We are happy […]
Shared Image Gallery now in limited public preview
On February 8, 2017, we launched Managed Disks, Snapshots, and Images, which made it easy to provision and manage disks at scale on Azure. We’re now taking the next step and are excited to announce the Shared Image Gallery, which offers an easy but powerful set of tools to share VM images on Azure. The […]
Sharing provisioned throughput across multiple containers in Azure #CosmosDB
Azure Cosmos DB is Microsoft's globally distributed, multi-model database service for mission-critical applications. Azure Cosmos DB provides turnkey global distribution, elastic scaling of throughput and storage worldwide, single-digit millisecond latencies at the 99th percentile, five well-defined consistency models and guaranteed high availability, all backed by industry-leading comprehensive SLAs. Azure Cosmos DB automatically indexes all your […]
Have fun and draw awesome on the cosmic scale Azure #CosmosDB #PxDraw canvas today!
PxDraw is a massive, realtime drawing canvas, that allows you build pictures one pixel at a time in unison with thousands of other people from around the world. PxDraw is an experiment the Azure Cosmos DB team has put together just for Microsoft Build Conference 2018; it will end after the conference has wrapped up […]